A number of good articles are out:
- After Bear Stearns rescue, who's next? - After reading this article one can conclude: JP Morgan took on no risk, since they only paid $236M for Bear, and Bear's HQ building alone is worth about $1B. This is of course assuming the Fed's $30B guarantee on the transaction is enough. But if it isn't, then JPM may be hit badly by Bear's liabilities. So either JPM is in trouble, or the Fed gave them a $770 million freebie. Ain't "capitalism" great?
- The Rise and Fall of the Mighty Bear - Another good article with a chronology of the whole debacle, and insights from various bloggers.
- A Stake Through the Heart - Some profiles of major losers in the Bear collapse.
- Wall Street watches Lehman walk on thin ice - Discussion of Lehman's situation.