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2019-10-18: Total Student Loan Debt Could Buy Every House on Market Twice Over in ()
2019-09-24: QE4 Has Already Started - The Wall Street Examiner in ()
2019-07-31: Washington DC Homeowners Are Drowning In Mortgage Debt in ()
2019-07-18: Suntrust Bank Employee To Spend 2 Years Clutching Soap In Federal Prison in ()
2019-03-02: The ‘Hidden Mechanisms' That Help Those Born Rich to Excel in Elite Jobs in ()
2019-02-26: 'Yellow vests' find support among France's far-right and far-left -- but can they win votes? in ()
2018-11-07: Former radio host Craig Carton found guilty on all fraud charges (HEDGIE DEFRAUDER) in (Hedge Funds)
2018-10-18: Bitcoin - Hold On - The Ride's Just Starting! (Elliot Wave Analysis) in (Credit Bubble and Crash, Hedge Funds, Inflation and Deflation, Banks, The Fed, Central Banking and fin. reg., Recession/depression, Precious Metals)
2018-03-26: FBI Had Pulse Shooter in 2013 Probe, Then Informant Dad Stepped In, Court Documents Claim in (Martial Law/Big Brother/NWO Watch, Mainstream Media Watch)
2018-03-03: German Court Rules That Cities Can Limit Diesels to Cut Pollution in (Government Bankruptcy, Peak Oil and Energy Security, Consumer Capitulation/Issues and Populism, Natural Resources and Climate Change, Economic Rebalancing, Inflation and Deflation, Credit Bubble and Crash, Recession/depression)
2018-02-26: Indian diamond magnate vanishes amid accusations of massive bank fraud in (Precious Metals, Recession/depression, Economic Rebalancing, Banks, Natural Resources and Climate Change, The Fed, Central Banking and fin. reg.)
2017-09-28: Republicans React to Their Own Email Scandal (INCL. THE TRANS-VOTING KUSHNER) in (Mainstream Media Watch, Martial Law/Big Brother/NWO Watch)
2017-09-05: What can be Pardoned? -- Yonatan Zunger in (Government Bankruptcy, Economic Rebalancing, Consumer Capitulation/Issues and Populism, Martial Law/Big Brother/NWO Watch)
2017-06-28: Trump's Muslim Ban, Though Diminished, Apes Rules That Killed Anne Frank in (Mainstream Media Watch, Recession/depression, Consumer Capitulation/Issues and Populism, Martial Law/Big Brother/NWO Watch)
2017-06-26: Supreme Court order may cause travel chaos in (Consumer Capitulation/Issues and Populism, BRIC countries vs. U.S., Martial Law/Big Brother/NWO Watch, Government Bankruptcy, Mainstream Media Watch)
2017-05-08: The Best Hedge Fund Trades From The 2017 Ira Sohn Investment Conference in (Hedge Funds, Precious Metals, Banks, Economic Rebalancing, Credit Bubble and Crash, Inflation and Deflation, Private Equity Implosion)
2017-04-19: Bill O'Reilly is officially out at Fox News in (Martial Law/Big Brother/NWO Watch, Mainstream Media Watch)
2017-04-04: Blackwater founder held secret Seychelles meeting to establish Trump-Putin back channel - The Washington Post in (Martial Law/Big Brother/NWO Watch, Mainstream Media Watch, BRIC countries vs. U.S.)
2017-03-23: Trump Nominee: Lax Deal for Billionaire Pedo Jeffrey Epstein Was ‘A Good Thing' in (Mainstream Media Watch)
2017-03-22: Trump Sought North Korea-Style Military Vehicle Parade for Inauguration in (Martial Law/Big Brother/NWO Watch, Mainstream Media Watch)
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